2010年9月25日 星期六






You will always take me, right? I know You will, as always.

2010年9月5日 星期日

13 years

It's been 13 years since I was baptised an 14 since I first came to this church. When I suddenly realized how much I have grown and changed, I couldn't help but being so thankful to You. Like one year ago, I couldn't make such prayer which I do from the bottom of my heart right now. Like ten years ago, I wouldn't know that how meaningful it is to be able to make such prayer. The faith and knowledge have grown as the time goes by, and it's been 13 years now, half of my whole life. I am just so grateful. I would really like to walk on such path for another 13 years, and another and another, until forever.

Thank you, Lord, for what You have done in my life and what You have put me through. May my life be fruitful and be part of Your work. Lead me as You always did. Show me Your path. Don't ever allow me rush in the front of You. Keep me under Your shelter. I know I will still fall again, but please be my strength and hold me when I do.

This is my sincere prayer, which is basic on the past 13 years. It's not a short time nor an easy way. I still want to go afyer You, as used to be, and always.

2010年9月3日 星期五

蘭嶼 again

本來只是三天的假期不小心就因為颱風又多了一天,上次跟林小孜和江江去是去不了,這次又跟林小孜&&一幫國中同學去了可是回不來,真的是太好笑了!! XD





2010年8月27日 星期五


(我都快忘記這邊的存在了 哈哈)

跟同事去了花蓮、陽明山(對,這也算一個,雖然他比較近)、台南、宜蘭;整個部門去沖繩慶功宴;三月去了一趟北京;去上海參加 MBDC kickoff 還順便去擠了一下世博;接下來還要跟國中同學去蘭嶼,還有大家要一起去北京出差....

最大的心得就是: 我想換相機了啦!!!! >"<

每次看著大家的高檔相機照出來的照片都好漂亮,而我的相機真的也是舊了,跟兩三年前照出來的照片感覺已經不太一樣了,該是認真 survey 一台好相機的時候了!!

2010年5月1日 星期六


That was a lovely trip to Okinawa, with (almost) all he colleagues.

First time to Japan, though many times it seemed to be still in Taiwan. Got a talktive local guide who likes to make all kinds of rules and finally seemed to be pissed off by us at the end of trip.

He is right. This should be the first time we have such good time and the last as well. I really love this trip and this team. Everything was so fun and every memory is so cherishable. So glad that I am one among here.

By the way, that was also the first time I drank that much. Got soooo dizzy, but even though that was fun too. Got to see people in a different aspect, by this I mean when they are drunk. :p And I finally had the chance to practice my poor Japanese.

I will miss this one, definitely.

2010年3月30日 星期二

Presentation notes

1. 投影片還是自己做的好,每個人的思路實在是不太一樣,別人做好的拿來用怎麼講怎麼卡
2. 我果然還是偏好每個 bullet 越簡潔越好,比較容易看到重點到底想說什麼,太長連自己都看不到自己想說什麼
3. 雖然是用英文講,小抄用中文寫,這個方法個人覺得好像還滿不錯的,比較容易一眼就知道自己到底想說什麼,明天講完以後就可以證實到底實不實用了 XD

2010年3月29日 星期一

Biz trip to Beijing 3/23-3/28

Nice trip in Beijing, feels like having a short vacation. Visited 故宮、北海公園、景山、王府井, and Josephine's place. ;) Though I'm still tired from the trip but there is no time for good rest right now. Got back to work today and many things there I need to work on.

It is interesting that this trip somewhat makes a milestone in my career life; first time overseas training, first time meeting colleagues in PRC IW Test team, receiving surprising recognition, and starting to take different task in position. Some of these things did not happen because of this trip. They just happened to occurr during this time. All these combination makes this trip even more special.

What I am more grateful about is that I got to talk with my boss more than usual. I thank God, for this good team and His putting me here. I am really blessed to find this nice and interesting job as my first position. I cannot help but keep thinking how thankful I should be, to all the team members I have met, and for all the reasons that He put me here.

Recently, I strongly feel that I am still so very junior in this job. There are lots of things I have to learn about. My view is still very limited and narrow, couldn't see things from a greater point of view. This I really need to work on more.

PS. 出國沒花到太多錢不過被老闆生火了一台相機... sony W or T 系列,待研究。 :p

2010年2月16日 星期二


(抱怨一下,ff 3.6 跟偽蝦米不合啦,害我只好用 IE...)

繼奶奶 2007 年趁我還在國外的時候就走了之後,外公昨天也過世了,兩個人都是民國 7 年生的,真的算是相當長壽了。看著在病床邊哭得很傷心的小表弟,心裡有個感覺:人經過了這樣的事應該都是會長大會改變的吧?不知道他懂得多少,了解多少;但希望他明白,外公只是先去了天上,是個更美好的地方,以後我們都還要再相見的,雖然傷心難過,還是要帶著盼望。


外公,我知道我們會在天上再見的,你現在應該很輕鬆很快樂吧?謝謝你,外公。 :)