Nice trip in Beijing, feels like having a short vacation. Visited 故宮、北海公園、景山、王府井, and Josephine's place. ;) Though I'm still tired from the trip but there is no time for good rest right now. Got back to work today and many things there I need to work on.
It is interesting that this trip somewhat makes a milestone in my career life; first time overseas training, first time meeting colleagues in PRC IW Test team, receiving surprising recognition, and starting to take different task in position. Some of these things did not happen because of this trip. They just happened to occurr during this time. All these combination makes this trip even more special.
What I am more grateful about is that I got to talk with my boss more than usual. I thank God, for this good team and His putting me here. I am really blessed to find this nice and interesting job as my first position. I cannot help but keep thinking how thankful I should be, to all the team members I have met, and for all the reasons that He put me here.
Recently, I strongly feel that I am still so very junior in this job. There are lots of things I have to learn about. My view is still very limited and narrow, couldn't see things from a greater point of view. This I really need to work on more.
PS. 出國沒花到太多錢不過被老闆生火了一台相機... sony W or T 系列,待研究。 :p