2008年11月21日 星期五

再見了,數個星期的室友 *揮*

幾個星期以前,我的房間不知道從哪冒進來了一個不速之客 -- 一隻壁虎。

本來以為牠只是路過而已,沒想到從第一次看到他之後,我就不時被房間裡牠移動的身影嚇到,因為餘光瞄到有東西在爬會以為是小強之類的生物... = =" 還很怕牠爬到床上或衣櫃裡去,還不時地需要幫牠清理排泄物,因為牠老是隨地大(小)便... (怎麼講得很像在養寵物)

雖然他很小一隻,也實在是長得滿可愛的 (XD) ,但是我真的很討厭老是被嚇到的感覺,所以開始在想應該怎麼把他丟到外面去;昨天總算讓我逮到機會把牠用個盒子蓋起來,剛剛把牠移到窗子外面了。本來我還不確定昨天到底有沒有蓋住,還是其實牠根本就溜掉了,但我的確看到牠在窗子外了-- 而且我有確認窗子是關好的沒有縫隙 -- 所以暫時應該是可以解除警報了。


2008年11月14日 星期五

Think outside the box

Sometimes some phrases would just jump into my mind but I soon forgot them after a while. However, some of them are quite inspiring and I really want to keep them remembered. I am not good at giving any comments about these things but I would just want to find a place to "write" them down.

Here it is, a good place to place them.

I know that I am really a stubborn person in some way. I would stick to my thoughts and never give up. This seems to be a good thing, but it could also be a bad one sometimes. I always thought that this is not included in my ability and it's also why I was actually quite surprised when I recently found that I can do this. I like this change, or new finding. :p